Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Talented Unlimited

For the Talented Unlimited Cover I used the mandala that I already scanned into photoshop, cropped out the background, and copied and pasted it all over. Then I just scaled them to make the different sizes. For the text box I used the same font they had one every cover and I made a border and a fading background for extra pop.

Bicentennial Logo

Warren County's 200 years of existence. For this piece, Pete and I used both Adobe Indesign and Adobe Photoshop. We used a photograph that I took of the lake for the background of the circle. We choose a circle because it represents continuation and the circle of life.  Once we had the circle we repeated the theme of continuation by putting the text inside the circle going around it. We deleted the texted and just had an outline of it so the viewer could see the lake as the text. We choose black because it made the logo pop.