Monday, December 6, 2010


Trying to show motion in a photograph is not the easiest thing but I love the way they come out, maybe just a little will be focused - like the number 10 in this photograph - but it expresses a time when something intense was going on and I think that's so cool. This is a digital photograph that was originally much larger but I wanted the viewers to focus in on this area specifically because there is just so much going on and it has a good composition. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Zetus Lapetus

This is an Advanced Graphics project called a mandala. The buddhist religion does mandalas for some sort of spiritual significance and it is used in there sacred places that supposed to help the meditate and whatnot.  But personally I think just doing the process itself was calming. I enjoyed making my mandala very much. How did I do it? Well, for starters I made grid out of basic white paper. Then I xeroxed that grid, glued the original down and used the copies for the magazine pieces. I started out cutting the magazine pieces the same exact size and shape for 4 rings of the mandala. Keep it clean and perfect. Then by the 5th ring I changed it up a bit to make it a little more loose as if it were starting to explode. When the 6th circle came along I just used random pieces, didn't stick with a specific color, and really made it look like it was exploding. Finally for the background I used different shades of blacks overlapping to create that look.