Thursday, January 20, 2011


To be confined: or to enclose within bounds; limits or restrictions. For my confinement photograph I fist started in a graveyard taking pictures of all the different fences around the graves. Thinking it was a restricted area for only maybe that particular family or even more insight – thinking those dead bodies can’t leave. Then I came across a mausoleum with this small door that had a bolt lock on it. So I was thinking about this video we watched in English where a guy was interviewing Canadians and on how they never lock their doors because they see it as locking themselves in, not locking evil out, and it made me realize that doors with locks to rooms and houses and even mausoleums are a way of confinement. After I took this shot I opened it in photoshop and changed the levels, the color balance, vibrance, and burned the edges.

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